Branches in the Fog

Branches in the Fog


I went out the other night when I should have been in bed to try and get a few shots of the fog. I didn’t bother putting shoes on, which is a bad idea. If I’m going to stay awake and be outside in the snow, then I should just put on some shoes. The fog was pretty thick and with the snow it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately the pictures I got to try and capture the situation don’t do it justice. It does look like I need to prune that tree. Maybe I should have brought a light out with me. Next time I’ll have to try a couple of different things. Experimenting with photography at night would be much easier if I didn’t have to wake up in the morning so early. Why can’t it be foggy on the weekend?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hahahaha! I love this post. And that second picture is my favorite!

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