Duck Landing

Duck Landing

Duck Landing

We took the family to try and see the bald eagles today. Google maps didn’t took us straight to a locked gate. Having spent the time driving as far as we had we weren’t willing to give up. After using the map to try and find another approach we found a second and third and even 4th locked gate. Finally we found a local farmer that put us moving in the right direction. With that assistance and some written out directions we were able to find the Farmington bay WMA.

Unfortunately the weather may have been against us. The wind was blowing the entire around 30 miles an hour for the whole day. We didn’t see any eagles, and it was a little cold. It’s great to know how to find the place if we decide to go back in the future. I think the kids all had a great time even so. 

The day wasn’t a total bust and we managed to get another short hike in. There are some petroglyphs not far from home, and we managed to find them. I believe there are hundreds of similar kinds of things we need to get out and explore. We’ll have to keep doing the research and then making plans to get out and see them.


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