Wood Pile

Wood Pile

Wood Pile

We have been getting lots of rain lately. I hope it doesn’t result in flooding as the weather warms up. It would be amazing if Lake Powell and Lake Mead are able to add some decent depth this year with all the rain. I also hope that people can learn to conserve their resources a little better. I’m surprised that several places have already started watering their lawns. With as much rain as we’ve gotten I think most lawns can handle no water still. I enjoy a good rainy day, it seems to make the colors so vibrant. I saw this wood pile the other day and managed to pull the car over for just a moment to capture this shot. I’m pretty lazy, considering that I didn’t even get out of the car. I guess it is better than nothing, which is what I would do if it required more time. Things are going great for our family. Life is busy, but all the kids are awesome. I just can’t believe how many blessings we have.

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