HDR Test

HDR Test

I did a little playing around with the in camera HDR. I haven’t read anything about how to use it, but I think I did it right. I’ll have to look through the manual to make sure I didn’t miss anything. With that said I set the camera to HDR mode, and told it to manage the different exposures. With HDR on, the camera snaps 3 shots in rapid succession. With that it then writes 4 files to the memory card, the 3 different exposures, and the HDR version.


I played around with the HDR exposure in lightroom, and this is what I got.

I didn’t spend much time editing this file, and all I made were simple lightroom adjustments.


After that I took the normal exposure shot and made my standard lightroom adjustments to that shot which resulted in this image;

The two images are slightly different, but I’m going to have to do a little more testing to see if I think it is even worth the additional hard drive space to bother with the HDR mode on the camera. There may be times when the images are so different that it would be essential to use that feature, but I don’t know if this instance was one of them. 

Additional Shots

I’ll also include the other 2 images the were captured, one under exposed and one over exposed. I haven’t even played around with those at all. I will have to do that though, so I can determine what gives me more of what I’m looking for in a shot like this. Anyway take a look and let me know what you think comparing these shots.

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