Celebrate the Finish

Celebrate the Finish

Celebrate the Finish

When we were at the recent mountain biking race I was standing near the finish with my camera. I guess I was watching the riders come through the finish line. Most of the time this is the kind of thing I just miss. I’ll have to keep this in mind and position myself in places where emotions will be running higher. I’m not even sure what place this rider was in, but she was sure happy to be finishing. 

Hopefully I can use this as a life lesson. Often times as I finish something up I’m so busy moving on to the next things, or criticizing the mistakes I made along the way. I need to take a little time to enjoy little victories. There just isn’t enough time to not spend some of it celebrating. 

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I love this!

    1. I’m not sure what place she got in the race, but I know she is winning in life. I wish more people could figure that out.

  2. it was hard but they cept trying and tryed and tryed and they did it!

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