Biking in our blood

Biking in our blood


Here are a few pictures from a pack meeting we had this summer on bike safety. We have several bikers around the house now. I suppose there are much worse things kids could be interested in these days. I have been enjoying being able to use a bike to get to work for over a year now. I’m trying to figure out a way to ride when the weather is cold or snowy. I don’t have a solution yet, but if I keep working on it I think I can work something out. I wouldn’t mind getting down to being a one car family some day, if I can figure out a hybrid bike/small vehicle that could transport a few kids to school, and be used to run errands around town. For now we may have to settle on a Nissan leaf or something like that. Biking is great exercise and fun. I’m glad the kids enjoy it so much.

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