Driving through a puddle

Driving through a puddle

We had a real rain storm come through the other day. With all that rain the storm drains backed up a bit. This created a massive puddle on the road. Many cars were proceeding with caution as they went through, but some others not so much. I grabbed a couple quick shots of a these cars driving through a puddle. It looks like they were having a pretty good time.

Of course the kids all thought running through it would be great fun. They went out and played for awhile. They were soaked to the bone, but loving it the whole time. They were standing on the sidewalk waiting for cars to go by when a jeep sped through and splashed them all. We were all a little worried about them running around out there. No one got hurt, and it was great to enjoy some rain for a change.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I love doing that!! I am definitely a make as big of a splash as possible kind of a person!

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