Literal Valley of Fire
valley of fire

Literal Valley of Fire

This has been the summer of the forest fire. We have been inhaling smoke from the California fires, along with fires all around our valley. We did get a little reprieve for a couple of weeks, but we are again surrounded by fires and smoke. I think there is a valley of fire state park in Nevada, but we are currently living in a literal valley of fire. 

I don’t have any shots of the actual fire, although there are some amazing images in the news articles and all over the internet. They’ve asked people to stay away from the area as much as possible, so we’ve tried to do that. I may have to out with a long lens, and see what I can see from a distance that doesn’t get in the way. 

It was kind of amazing how the smoke started out building in the south end of the valley. For the first couple of days we could see the huge smoke cloud growing, and thankfully it didn’t spread everywhere initially. I want to say by the second or third night the winds must have shifted, or the pressure changed, because we woke up to a lot of smoke. We could barely see the mountains. Throughout the day the smoke would dissipate, only to return the next night. 

forest fire

I’m not sure they are making much progress on controlling these fires. There are thousands of people evacuated from their homes. Hopefully we can get a little rain, but I don’t think there is any in the forecast. 

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