Another Amazing Sunset

Another Amazing Sunset

Not long ago I was able to take the family and go camping up in the mountains. The trip was almost perfect. Just after we arrived we saw another amazing sunset. The kids immediately started exploring the camp ground. 

There was a moose wandering around right next to camp. That made me a little nervous, because you hear they can be pretty aggressive. Lucky for us this one didn’t give anyone any trouble. I’d love to go back and see if this moose hangs around there all the time. I didn’t get a chance to take any decent photographs, because it got dark too quickly. 

I didn’t bring my normal sleeping pad, and we decided not to use the air mattress. So often they deflate a little during the night. It was not the best call, and unfortunately we didn’t sleep so well that night. I tossed and turned almost the entire night. I’ll try not to make that bad decision again. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. How lovely!!!

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