Good Times

Good Times

We’ve been keeping plenty busy these past weeks. With the holidays and life, I’ve failed to update the blog like I want to be. I’d love to say I’m back for good, but I don’t know what the chances of me posting again this week are.

It seems like I find new ways to occupy my time constantly. I’ve got several partly finished projects I’m in the middle of right now. If I didn’t have to do anything else but work on my projects, I think it would take weeks to wrap them all up. Of course I do have other things I have to do, so it’ll likely take me several months to complete the stuff I’ve already got on my plate.

I’ve been working on what feels like an unsolvable problem for some time now. It would be nice to start working on something exciting and with some amount of promise. Must be that it’s time for me to take more control over what I spend my time working on. I’ve felt trapped for some time now, and it’s time to let move on.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I love this picture of the two of you! And Hear! Hear! to moving forward!

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