

Injury Number 1

Note: the images in this post are of the injuries, and may be a bit graphic for your taste. I don’t think they are too bad, but you’ve been warned.

This week has been a bit rough for the kids regarding injuries.. We got a call on Wednesday that our son had hit his chin on the desk and cut it open. The cut was bad enough they figured his parents needed to take a look to decide what to do about it. Wouldn’t you know it, the cut was probably big enough that it needed some help to stay closed (stitches). He was handling it pretty well, but he got a little nervous about me attempting to glue it back together.

Everyone needs a cut on their chin sometime.

I got him all put back together, and not much later he was back to his normal self. Lissa was able to take him back to school, and he’s been doing well ever since. We’ll have to keep our eye on the cut to make sure it’s healing properly. So far so good. Hopefully he can avoid any new injuries for a few days.

Injury Number 2

On Saturday we were in the process of getting in the car to go to our 3rd basketball game of the day when our daughter fell and hit her head on the wall. She must have hit it just right and pretty hard, because she had a 1 inch gash on the side of her head. Her cut was bleeding quite a bit. I was surprised to see blood flowing down her neck. We got right to applying some direct pressure, and cleaning her up a bit. I didn’t even get to look at her cut for I’d guess at least 15 minutes, which feels like hours when your little girl is bleeding so much.

We got her laying down on the counter, and washed the blood out of her hair, and then she didn’t mind me putting the spray directly on her cut. Her cut was the kind that was a bit gaping and it was a good 1/4 wide or so. I tried to convince her that it might be best to go for stitches on that one. She was not interested in going to the instacare, not a bit. I tried holding it together for over an hour, but it was still happy to open right back up anytime I released the pressure.

We got this

In the end I glued her back together too. I used some hair from both sides of the cut to tie the injury closed. Using the hair to pull it together actually worked really well. Once I had it closed up I applied a little glue to the hair, and the cut, and it held very well. I really don’t know that this is a skill I wanted to practice this much. I have always wanted to give myself stitches, but I’m not sure that translates to giving my children stitches. I’ll have to look online to see if I can find a kit that will be sterile and ready to go for the next time. There must be something I could use to numb the skin a bit, and then take care of business. I suppose I could get a little practice on a turkey or something.

Life comes at us pretty quickly, usually faster than I think I can handle. For this week it’s been dealing with some injuries. Who knows what we’ll get to learn next week.

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