Wet winter

Wet winter

We never complain about getting rain or snow. This year has been no exception, but we’ve had much more snow than we’re used to. We even had a little more today. I rode my bike to work on Tuesday, but I may not get to ride again this week. That’s alright there will be plenty of opportunities to ride in the coming weeks.

Life is always working to teach us new lessons. We finally worked out our major challenge that has been consuming so much of our time for the past year and a half, and I got a new one to deal with today. This shouldn’t be nearly as bad as the issue that consumed our lives forever, it’s still going to be a challenge. I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to figure out the extent of the problem, and then get started resolving the issues tomorrow. In reality it could take a bit longer than that to turn the corner on this one. It’s always something.

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