Hit by a car

Car accident
Riding a bike isn’t always so safe

Car accident-2

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. What?!?!?! Is he okay? When did this happen? I hope it wasn’t too serious. The silver lining is that now he will have a good story.

    1. It will make for a decent story. It is pretty scary to think about though. We are glad he got away with as little injury as he did. He’s a good boy. I hope all these kids slow down a little and make sure they stay safe.

  2. This is turning out to be a great blog! I loved looking through your latest pictures. I’m glad you’ve kept it up so we can enjoy all the great pictures you take!

    1. Thanks for commenting. It has been an interesting experiment. I hope I can keep it up. Life has been pretty crazy lately. I should be documenting it better, but for now this will have to do. Feel free to contribute any time you would like. This is open to all of us.

  3. I didn’t read the title! Yikes! Is this Grant or Hunter? Is he okay?

    1. Grant,
      He is doing alright. He was pretty banged up, and it slowed him down quite a bit for a couple of days, but he is doing better now.

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