Dog Bite

Dog Bite

Our sister in law was dog sitting over the Christmas holiday. The kids all enjoy having dogs around. This particular little guy was a rescue dog. He was a bit skiddish all the time, but I wasn’t too worried about him. One evening our kids were playing in the living room, and he whipped around and chomped our son. The dog bite didn’t turn out too bad.

I was sitting in the chair right next to the kids when it happened. I was surprised when he started screaming randomly. After he turned around there was a little blood next to his eye. That got us pretty excited and realizing the there was in fact a dog bite. Lucky for the dog, he came over to me, so I was holding him. If I had been hands free when I realized what had happened, that dog probably would have found out if it could fly.

My brother in law got the dog and took it outside. Unfortunately for him when he tried to grab the dog, he got his hand into the dogs mouth. His poor hand was pretty torn up in the end. Our son got away with just a scratch, and he isn’t permanently traumatized thankfully.

This kind of thing makes me happy that we don’t have to worry about the additional liability of owning a pet that can bite. I’m not sure we’ll ever be pet owners.

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