New Years Eve

New Years Eve

We were spend some time with my brothers and their families this year on New Years Eve. It is always a great time getting together with them. This year we decided to go and try out some ice skating. I’m not sure that’s the best day to go to the ice rink. It was really busy. The other problem was that we still have a few little guys that just aren’t quite ready for ice skating. My sister in law was a real trooper though and didn’t complain at all about watching them. I should have taken a turn helping.

It is a real challenge finding something that the wide age range of children we have can all enjoy together. I’m grateful we worked it out as well as we did. Maybe someday we’ll have more games and space at our house to entertain more effectively.

After my brother’s families went home we went up to Lissa’s parents house for the last hour and a half before midnight. It was good to spend some time with that side of the family as well. We played some games together, and then watched a bit of the Christmas Story. I don’t really care for that movie. I know for many people it is a classic Christmas movie, but if I never saw any of it again, I’d be just fine.

I enjoy ringing in the New Year, and reflecting on ways I can try and be a better person. It’s easy to find things to work on, usually the challenge is narrowing the list to make it manageable.

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