Spring is coming

Spring is coming

I’m getting excited for the warmer weather. The sun has been out longer, and the temperature is slowly starting to warm up a bit. I need to get out and finish some pruning on my fruit trees. Spring is coming and I want to be ready. I should probably get the first pest control spraying done too. Hopefully we’ll get a couple more snow storms to finish out the season. I like the spring snow when it snows several inches and then melts away in the afternoon.

I keep thinking I have another task or two to take care of, and then I’ll be able to get to this other item I’ve been putting off. Amazingly the thing I feel like I’m almost done with takes longer to finish than expected. Then as soon as I do wrap that up, several new things seem to come out of no where and get in the way of what I was hoping to tackle. I need better time management, or new prioritization skills or something. One day at a time.

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