Off to Oregon

Off to Oregon

Today is marked with mixed emotions once again. We were off to the airport this morning to send our son off to his mission. He is ready to go, and we’re so excited to watch what he’ll do as he serves.

This time around things have been a bit different. With COVID-19 we went through a home MTC. He was assigned to go to a foreign country, but isn’t able to travel there right now. We hope that he’ll be in Oregon for a short time, and then be able to get to his originally assigned area sooner than later. I’m sure he’ll have great experiences wherever he is.

As I went through the day and found myself feeling pretty choked up several times it made me consider the situation. I’m not worried about him, I know he’ll be fine. The real issue as I see it is simply that I’m going to miss him. Life is amazing, we make connections with people and that is what it’s all about. When we create those powerful connections they become ingrained in us, part of who we are.

I did pretty good today, but there were several times I struggled to manage missing my boy. I had forgotten how this felt when our first son left a couple of years ago. It’s the little things that can get you. Walking by their room, or just wanting to yell out their name to bring something upstairs. It gets better over time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. We will all sure miss him!

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