Missing our wonderful Daughter

Missing our wonderful Daughter

I want to use this post to share how amazing our daughter is. We are blessed with wonderful children who are making great decisions in life. We love watching them grow and progress. The problem with all the good they are doing in the world is that sometimes that takes them farther away from us. I don’t think I would have it any other way, but we miss our wonderful daughter while she is serving her mission.

Here are a few pictures that I found that remind me of who she is. She was like the baby whisperer for this beautiful little one. She could clam her down and keep her happy for hours. She also got a pretty good workout while doing so. She would do deep knee bends with her, and that always did the trick.

This little guy was a brand new baby right before she left. We’re so happy she got to meet him and spend a few minutes with him before leaving for the Missionary Training Center.

This shows how much she is loved by all of us. What a bitter/sweet day. We love and miss you Sister Rees! Keep up the great work.

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