Smoke in the Air

Smoke in the Air

I captured the photo with my cell phone. I was biking in my suit and tie on my way to a meeting I was 5 minutes late getting to. Since I was running late I didn’t take the time to stop and take a proper photo. I was happy I could get my phone out of my pocket and unclocked while riding almost as fast as I could.

There are wild fires in California and other places around, and the weather is bringing the smoke into our valley. I can’t believe how I could look at the sun even though it was still pretty high in the sky. We’ve been pretty lucky this year more close to home, and we haven’t had many fires around here. I also saw a note about the water levels around the state being pretty good for this time of year. I am excited to see the water levels stay high, and I hope we’ll be able to see Lake Powell start to raise more.

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