Bike Race number 3

Bike Race number 3

We got an early start this morning so we could get loaded up and out to the mountain bike race course on time. The race conditions were almost perfect. We were probably all a bit short on sleep, and we didn’t have the best nutrition to prepare for the race, but everything else was right where we wanted it to be. I got to ride this course before the race, so I knew what the boys were in for. That made me a bit nervous, because there was a pretty good downhill section that I knew they would be riding crazy fast. There are lots of sharp turns and trees and rocks and dust, and that could make for a hard crash if they weren’t careful.

They both moved up spots to finish ahead of where they were last race, and they rode strong with no major crashes, although both of them did have minor issues with other riders, or turns. We got our fair share of exercise trying to run and ride around cheering for them. Get outdoors!

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