
imageSo I did something on Friday afternoon that kinda hurt my finger. I figured no big deal it will be better in a few days. Well this morning I brushed that same finger on something and it hurt quite a bit. I could see just a little piece of what I thought looked like some skin. I was thinking that whatever I had done had broken that little bit of skin that seals the top of your finger nail where it meets the normal skin on the finger. I decided to try and use the small scissors on my pocket knife to cut it off, but that didn’t really work, and it hurt more than I expected it to. I wasn’t going to give up that easily, so I switched over to the knife on the small keychain pocket knife and went to work trying to cut it off. I wasn’t cutting through it like I thought it should. I tried just pushing down on the nail, and then pulling away towards the finger tip. I was still expecting to see only a little piece of skin, but I pulled out the piece of plastic. It is a good 1/4″ long and was basically straight in there just below where it is in the picture. I’m glad I found that one. I’ve often said that I would rather shove things under my fingernails than have to go to Disney land or other such things. After this experience I think I would stand by those comments. It wasn’t pleasant or anything, but much better than Disney. I realize that this wasn’t exactly under the fingernail of course, but I figure it was close enough.


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