Another Year

Another Year

Another Year

Well here we are at the end of another year. Time is going by so quickly now. As I reflect back on the many wonderful moments we’ve had in our family this year, I’m so grateful for the wonderful year it’s been. There have been countless small experiences that have helped us to grow closer together and learn. We’ve had our big and exciting opportunities as well. This year has taken us on thousands of miles of travel, and we’ve spent precious time with family. I’ve learned some lessons (I hope), and some of them the hard way. We are staring down some significant changes for our family, and I’m certain I’m not ready for that, but I don’t think anyone cares if I’m ready or not. Life has been good to us, and we are tying to give back where we can. I’m excited for a new year to try and make it better than the last. Here we go.

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