Kids Easter Morning

The kids were ready to go for our traditional Easter egg hunt. This year went much better, we didn't have too many of the kids getting upset about not finding enough, or having to wait their turn. Maybe we're making progress, at least we can go with that for now.

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Night Sky

I tried to capture the stars while out on my most recent camping trip to the mountains. I'l have to keep practicing, this was definitely showing some improvements from my past attempts. I hope I got a few more decent shots, but I haven't looked through them all yet.

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This is a shot we got from our first trip out on the lake this year. We had a pretty good time even though it was cool and windy. The boat performed pretty well, so I'm hopeful it will do alright for this whole summer.

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Lissa and I went out for another photo walk. I started out a little frustrated this time, but we go things figured out, and had a good time. I am excited for our next opportunity. I need to start posting some of these to instagram and facebook I guess in order to get any traction around things.

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Looks Like Paper

A shot Lissa got out in nature. I am happy that she has been able to get out, and play with the camera a bit. We live in such a beautiful place, it is fun to try and capture some of the beauty with the camera.

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This hawk was out in the backyard the other day. The kids spotted it, and came in very excited to share their find with us. I'm glad they are happy to see animals in nature, and that they like to share things like this with us.

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