Bogey Hills Country Club
Golf course maintenance

Bogey Hills Country Club

I’ve been thinking it might be fun to write a little about my work as a teenager. I feel like these years are formative, and getting a good high school job taught me a lot. We were lucky enough to have a connection to the superintendent for the local golf course. Bogey Hills Country Club holds a special place in my heart. Several of my older relatives had paved the way for me to apply and get hired on once I was legally old enough to start working.

I’m sure many people who look back on their first jobs would say the job wasn’t easy. I’m going to join that group and suggest that working golf course maintenance is no walk in the park. Of course for the people getting to be there golfing it may have been much like a walk in the park. This course was in great shape and very pretty. I of course never took even a single picture of what it looked like when I was there. This was well before the cell phone era where everything we do is recorded.

Working on a golf course grounds crew means you get to work early. We would start at 5:00 am most days. That felt like bed time for a lot of my friends. There were days I would finish up a 9 or 10 hour shift at the golf course, and get home to find my friends just finishing breakfast and getting ready for the day.

I made some lifelong friendships with some of my coworkers. There’s just something about spending hours and hours working side by side that bonds people together. One day perhaps I’ll get back to Bogey Hills Country Club to play the course. I’m not much of a golfer, or much of a country club kind of guy, but I’m sure I could figure it out. I probably wouldn’t recognize much after so many years, but I’d like to go just the same.

I’ll try to mix in posts about that time of life with other things, so it doesn’t get too tedious for anyone that has nothing better to do than read this blog.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. How long did you work there?

    1. I started working there as soon as I turned 16, and then continued working there until I left for college. I worked at a different golf course for the same superintendent for part of the summer between college and leaving for my mission too.

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