

My dad and his brothers got together last summer. I haven’t seen my uncles for several years, and it’s great to see them together. We had so many wonderful years growing up near each other. My extended family was a big part of my early childhood years. I’m glad my children have been able to stay connected with their cousins as well.

There has been some talk of getting together for an extended Richard and Dorothy Rees family reunion in November. Details are still pending, but I’m hopeful we’ll figure something out. I would love to see everyone again.

I don’t know the details about what my dad and his brothers did while they were together, but they took a picture at Rees Park. I’m not sure if this park was named after anyone in our family, or if it was just fun to see. You don’t run into that many people with the last name Rees, so maybe. I think they had their sister with them for part of the time at least. I wish Uncle Dennis could have been with them. Maybe he was and we just didn’t know it.

I’m so glad that my dad and his siblings all get along so well. It has been a great blessing in my life to be able to watch how they cared for each other and their parents. I’m lucky to have such a wonderful family, and to have been able to spend so much time with them and their children.

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