Burned Tree

Burned Tree

Fire on the 4th

So we had a little extra excitement on the 4th of July. After a great day filled with family and fun we were watching the fireworks from home this year. We had climbed up on the roof, and were enjoying quite the show all our neighbors were putting on for us. Pretty early on I looked to our east, and I saw what clearly was not a fire work, but in fact was a fire. There were A LOT of sparks flying into the air. I immediately climbed down, and ran down the street to see if I could help my neighbor. Based on the height and quantity of the sparks, I thought for sure I was going to find someone’s house on fire. Turns out it was just a couple of trees at the end of his driveway. By the time I got there (which was probably less than a minute after I first saw it) he was just getting his hose on to start spraying them down. I ran to the neighbors house and got their hose, so we could go a little faster on the containment. 

I was amazed at how quickly a live pine tree will burn. Lucky for us we were able to put out the fire very quickly. Within 20 minutes I was back home with the family enjoying the rest of the show. We put quite a bit of water on things, to be sure they wouldn’t flare up again. Even so I imagine the fire department would have done twice as much if they had come. Great lesson learned, and we were all glad to go home safe and sound.

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