Eagle project car wash

We took the first major step towards getting the eagle project completed. Things went great, and we are all set to go shopping and get the supplies needed to build the guitar cabinets. Now we need to finalize the date for that, and get it done.

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Stick Figure

I've been trying to get out on photo walks as often as possible. On my trip to Atlanta I was able to get a little evening walk in. I found this weed that looked like a stick figure. I love the blur of the background to help make the simple little subject stand out a bit.

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Pool Play

Here are a few shots from a past family reunion. We have wonderful extended family, and we love to spend time with them. These shots are of Papa and the grandkids playing together in the swimming pool.

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I have always taught my children to balance on my hand. They seem to like it until they get to about age 3. By then they must have fallen enough to fear falling, and so they always want to reach out for something to hold onto.

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Watching for the Cousins

We all get so excited when family is coming to town. In this image, our son was out on the sidewalk standing in the snow with his binoculars watching for his cousins to drive in. We love having visitors come to spend time with us.

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