Week 10

Hello Everyone from Tucuman Salta Argentina!The "vacation" of the mission. Shorter time today because I am paying for internet. This last week was pretty crazy. We went to Ibarreta like…

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Week 10

Another great letter; Hello from Ibarreta, Formosa, Argentina everyone,This week went by pretty quick for me. And slow at the same time. Quick because we had Pday on Monday and…

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Week 9

Hello everyone once again from Ibarreta Argentina and Happy Argentine Mothers Day (yesterday)!Happy Birthday Grandma Perkins and Uncle Jared! And a very late well wishes to you Uncle Rick as…

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Week 5

Hello from Mexico, Or as my district likes to say "Que pasa calabaza." This week was pretty normal. The people of Mexico City have started to shoot off fireworks that sound…

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