Coronavirus Chaos

Coronavirus Chaos

We are experiencing one of the craziest times I can remember. The stock market fell more than it has in any one day since 1987. We learned today that they have cancelled all church meetings world wide for now. The NBA has canceled the rest of their season, the March madness college basketball tournament was canceled, and so many other events are called off.

I was supposed to speak in church this Sunday. Maybe I’ll still get to give that message in a few weeks. I don’t know how long we have to keep things locked down to hope to prevent the spread of this virus. I was thinking about it earlier today, even if we succeed in slowing the spread around the US, what about the rest of the world. Do we have to stay locked down until the virus has run it’s course everywhere? How long might that take, and is there really a way to know that happened?

I wasn’t very worried about this thing in the first place. After further thought, I’m thinking the right thing to do is my very best to limit the spread for the greater community. The danger for the elderly and immune compromised people is real, and we can help protect them. I hope the effort works out.

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