Cut finger healing (graphic)

Cut finger healing (graphic)

Our little girl’s healing pretty well. This is from a couple of weeks after she cut it. I need to take a new update. Her cut finger is healing and it looks better than these pictures. When we first pulled the band aids off and saw this I was worried that it might not heal so well. It is a slow process when you have to wait out the growth of the fingernail. She has been doing pretty well although we’ve gone through a whole box of band aids now.

I was playing basketball this morning and a couple of guys ran into each other pretty hard. They both ended up with pretty good cuts on their heads. One on his eye lid, and one on his forehead just below the hairline. I offered to glue the cut back together, and one of the guys actually took me up on my offer. I ran to the store and picked up some super glue, and then went over to try and give him a hand. I’m not sure I can plan on anyone calling me to offer me an opportunity to work in a doctors office. I hope he heals well, and doesn’t end up with a large scar or anything. Good times anyway, and it only cost $2.50 for everything I needed.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. How did she cut it? This is the first we knew anything about it! Poor little girl!

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