Diamond Fork Valley

Diamond Fork Valley

Diamond Fork

I need to change things up a bit. I have been posting a bunch of shots from Provo Canyon, so here are a few from Diamond Fork. We have had an amazing spring this year. Everything is still so green. I don’t imagine it will last much longer, but we’ve enjoyed it while we could. This area is fun to explore. We’ve been to the Red Ledges a couple of times now. The next time I get to Diamond fork I would like to see what else we can find. I’m sure there must be other trails worth following. I’m going to try and do a little more reading about some of the lesser known things around here, and then scheduling time to go and check them out. 

The first shot I took from this vantage point had a tree on the left side, making it so you couldn’t see the river. After taking 2 from that angle I figured it would look better if I included the river in the image, so I moved a little to get this view. When I compare the images on the computer I definitely think it made sense to adjust the shot. 

I figure since I talked about this shot I should go ahead and include it. That way you can decide for yourself if you like one better than the other.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I like the one with the river best. They are both great though!

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