Family Games

Family Games

Family Games

We have been spending a lot of time with family lately. When we spend so much time together we find ways to keep ourselves entertained. There was a family games night where we spent time playing board games that had been bought. This shot is of the twins playing the game where you try and knock each other off balance. I would have liked to play a little myself, but with this shoulder hurting I didn’t even try. It’s good to have close family nearby.

I would have just as soon spent the time playing games looking through family history, or working on a project, or even baking cookies to take to the neighbors. Maybe I’m broken in not wanting to play games. It was fine, but I just feel like there is so little time, and so much other stuff that would still be entertaining, but have something to show for it after. Maybe we could tie a quilt, or go back and sort clothes, the options are endless.

The holidays go by quickly, but they are wonderful.

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