Fancy Hair

Fancy Hair


This was a pretty fancy hair day for this little sweetheart. I have no idea how long it took, but I can almost guarantee it was too long in my book. I’m glad Lissa is able to spend time with the kids doing things they are interested in. I’m afraid not as many people recognize the value of moms taking time to be with kids these days. I like that dads tend to be a little more involved than they may have been in the past, but I think we are undervaluing moms and the important roll they play in a home, and in a society. At any rate we are blessed to have so many amazing moms in our lives, and I think this is a small example of the things they do on a daily basis. There isn’t enough recognition of the great things they do. I know I need to be better at showing my appreciation for all that the moms in my life do for me.

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