Foggy Night at the Provo Temple

Foggy Night at the Provo Temple

Provo Temple

Today has been an amazing day. We started it out with having a wonderful baptism for our beautiful little girl. The talks and music were all so perfect. Unfortunately I was trying to get the tripod ready so we could grab a picture of the friends and family that came, and I ended up letting it knock one of the little girls who came right on the head. That ball head on the tripod is a solid piece of metal, so it hurt quite a bit. I hate it when little ones are in pain. It’s especially bad when it was caused by my carelessness. She recovered after a few minutes, but I still feel pretty bad about the whole thing. 

We had everyone over to eat and spend time together after. I had to run to a basketball game for my son not long after getting home. He played great and had a lot of fun. I am excited to try and work with him to help him develop his talent. 

Finally tonight Lissa and I were able to get to the Provo temple. We were a little late, and missed the ward, but we got to spend a little time in the peace and calmness of the temple. Our whole day was overcast today. I’m hoping the mountains got a couple of feet of snow. When we came out of the temple tonight there was quite a bit of fog in the air. I really enjoy getting rain and fog, so we walked over and took a couple of quick cell phone pictures of the scene. Nothing amazing, but something to help remember the day. Today was one of the great ones.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I LOVE this picture!!

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