Found an Eagle

Found an Eagle

We’ve been out looking for Eagles with the kids a couple of times. I saw an article in the paper last year or the year before talking about bald eagle day at Farmington Bay. I think we had missed the actual day, but decided to try and run up there on a day off from school. It ended up being very windy, and we weren’t able to see any eagles.

I saw an article again this year, and bald eagle day was Saturday. Of course we had a ton of things to do, so we couldn’t make it up to Farmington bay. We did steel away for a couple of hours and run to the south end of the lake. I’ve only been down there once before, and it was on a day when I was participating in a half ironman, that I hadn’t properly trained for. Needless to say, I didn’t see much of anything other than my front tire and the asphalt that day.

I really like the south end of the lake. I kept trying to convince the family that we need to move down there. I don’t think there is any chance we’ll be making that kind of move anytime soon. We had a pleasant drive together, and managed to actually find a bald eagle.

We only found 2 eagles, and one of them hasn’t even got his bald head yet. They are amazing birds, and it was really fun to see them. Our time was limited and the weather wasn’t that great, but we managed to get a few pictures and enjoy watching them for a few minutes. I’ll need to work on the pictures and see if we got any keepers. For now here’s just a couple of unedited quick shots.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I love both of them, but I think the bottom one is gorgeous!

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