Fourth of July

Fourth of July


I enjoyed a great day today with family. We are blessed to live in a free country and have the great opportunities afforded to us. Many have given everything to allow us these gifts. I hope we can do better at following in their self sacrificing examples and work for the good of all.

The best way to do that is complicated and the citizens of our country seem to be quite divided in  what they think is the right approach. I do think we’d all do well to condemn others less and work to cooperate wherever possible. I’ve found that when I listen more and consider the reasoning of those I may not agree with, often there are things I hadn’t considered. It doesn’t always change my mind about what I think should happen. At least I can see where they are coming from, and that they do have reasons, important to them, for approaching things differently. That makes it easier to treat them with respect. We can do better.

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