Getting ready for the bees

Getting ready for the bees

We decided to try our hand at bee keeping this year. I ordered the packet of bees several weeks ago, but they were delayed delivering them due to the wet early spring. That worked out for me, since I had a few things I needed to do in order to get ready for them. I hope we don’t determine that this was a big mistake. It’ll be an adventure for sure.

Here’s a shot of the carnage I created prepping my frames. I bought these used. I have a friend that has experience with bees. He says the bees are better off if they build their own honeycomb structure the size they like, so I needed to get this plastic stuff out of their way. I’m not sure I did this right, but hopefully the bees will be able to figure out how to work with things they way I’ve set them up. Ready or not here we go. Wish us luck, we’re going to need it.

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