Getting the shot

Getting the shot

This was Lissa doing what it takes, getting the shot. This water was cold, and standing in it for just a few seconds started making your feet hurt. She managed to stay in the water a lot longer than I did. I didn’t bring along the right lens for the job, so she ended up resorting to the old cell phone. I guess that means we’ll have to take another trip to donut falls and try again. It wasn’t my favorite, because there were so many people. The hike was great, and the canyon is beautiful, so we can give it another try. I’m sure there are times when it isn’t so busy, so we’ll just have to try and time it a little better next time. There are so many things to go see around here. It is fun to get out and hike a little in the mountains. Nature has so much to offer.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. These are perfect! And she is smiling to boot!

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