

These giving machines are amazing. I imagine it’s difficult to tell in the picture, but the line must have well over 100 people waiting. Isn’t it wonderful that so many people would be willing to wait in line for over an hour so they could give to the needy. I think there are 10 similar machines that were out during the Christmas holiday. There are so many generous and kind people in this world.

I really appreciate the way this money is used to try and change lives. Giving people items that can help them for the long term. I hope this continues to grow over the years. Many people are working to find ways to assist those in need. I hope as the world continues to shrink with communication and increased travel ability that we’ll be able to do more to improve the lives of the needy. I want to find more ways to get involved in serving more poor myself.

I just finished reading a great book that talks about principles of success. The first law in that book is giving. We are wanting to give more in value than is taken in payment. It’s an interesting concept, but one I’ve been thinking about for awhile. I wasn’t using the same words, and I probably hadn’t fully vetted the concept like the authors of the book must have. I’ll be continuing to think through the concept and looking for ways I can implement them in my own interactions.

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