

I’m a little late in the year to finally post about our fall harvest. It was a great year for several items. We had our best crop of apples ever this year. One of our trees is grafted to produce three different varieties of apples, and this was the first year we had all three produce. The peach tree did great, and we got quite a few raspberries. We had some cherries earlier in the season, and we got a few pears also. We harvested quite a few grapes this year right before the first freeze too.

On the vegetable garden side of things we didn’t do as well this year. We did get a few ears of corn, and some green beans. We also got some zucchini. Most everything else turned into weeds over the course of the summer. I keep thinking that someday I’ll keep up with the weeding, and fertilizing and replanting for anything that doesn’t come up, but that year hasn’t happened yet. I’ve tried a few different methods for keeping the weeds in check, but never done well enough to actually have any success.

I’m hopeful that making the effort is worth something. Maybe we’re learning something along the way that is useful. I do like to be outside working, and I love to eat the profits when we get them. I’ve considered trying to install a green house, thinking that perhaps being enclosed would help slow the introduction of weed seeds. I imagine that’s just wishful thinking though. For now we’ll keep at it trying a little more than we did last year to be better gardeners. One step at a time.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. All that fruit looks amazing!

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