Honor Choir

Honor Choir

Tonight we got to go up to Salt Lake City to attend our daughters choir concert. She had been selected as one of 8 students from her school to participate in the state Honor Choir. Saturdays are always busy for our family, but I’m glad we were able to take the time to be there for the concert.

The Venue

This was my first time visiting Abravanel Hall. What an awesome venue! They had a massive piece of art in the lobby. We were all impressed. Our youngest son did say, “dad, some day those are going to start falling down” I imagine something like that must be a real bear to move. Don’t they change out the art in places like this from time to time?

The concert was very enjoyable. I’m impressed that the teachers can get these teenagers to spend the time and effort required to sing so well. The choir directors sang the first song, and it was lighthearted and playful. I think that is an excellent thing for people who will be working with youth to do. They make choir fun, while still helping the kids to build their talents.

The Talent

I’m impressed with how many students were involved in the concert. We listened to three different school choirs, and the Honor Choir. The Honor Choir was made up form a few students for many different schools. They were all well behaved, and it seemed like they really connected. I think they were only together for 2 days to practice together, and then perform. That’s pretty impressive to get so many diverse young people to come together in such a short period of time. I think it is due to awesome teachers that genuinely care for the students.

The Director

The Director Sandra Babb is an amazing person. She had each of these students write something about themselves on a 3×5 note card during their 1 practice together. She wanted to get to know them. I think it makes a big difference when someone cares about people. We could all feel her sincerity, especially the students. There are a lot of great people in the world. We’re lucky to know so many of them.

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