Hope for the Future

Hope for the Future


On the way in to work today I saw a guy walking along the sidewalk. Normally that wouldn’t draw my attention, but this morning it was cool and raining. I pulled up next to him and asked if he wanted a ride. He accepted, and jumped in the car. Prior to him getting in the car I hadn’t paid close attention to what he was wearing. He had on an awesome green felt suit. Something like this;

He was holding some kind of teddy bear or something. He said I Fez. I didn’t understand at first, but he was telling me his name. I asked where he was heading, and it was probably a couple of miles away. 

He clearly had some amount of a handicap, but I couldn’t determine exactly what it might have been. Fez had a great attitude, and was able to communicate pretty well. His language skills weren’t perfect, but I could understand what he was saying, and he seemed to understand me alright. While we drove I asked where he’d been. He said we was interviewing for a job at Jimmy Johns. I do hope they give him a chance. I’m not sure what time of morning he would have had to get up to be ready to go and walk to that interview in time to be on his way home that early.  He was wearing some awesome green converse shoes, and full of confidence.

I was very impressed with his attitude. He was grateful for the ride, but didn’t complain a bit about the fact that he was walking in the rain. When I mentioned that it was a pretty long walk he simply said I don’t have a car. I asked about his family, and it didn’t sound like he had any family in the area. How I hope he has great room mates who help him. 

The whole thing lasted a few minutes, but it brings me hope. He is doing his best, and that’s all any of us can do. Time to try a little harder.

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