Interesting Lighting for Photography

Interesting Lighting for Photography

I was walking around the parking lot near my office while talking on the phone several months ago. Sometimes you just need to get up and go outside rather than sit all day. On this particular occasion I wandered a little further than normal. At the end of the parking lot behind a nearby building I found this interesting lighting for photography situation.

This bright red bush was being lit up by the sun. I took two pictures with my phone. One with the sun to my right side, and the other with the bush in between me and the sun. I haven’t done any editing or adjustments to the photos, but they are very different. I’m amazed how the exact same object photographed at the same time can change so much because of where the light is in respect to the camera.

I wish I had taken the shot from a few more angles. Had I taken one standing between the sun and the bush could have resulted in an interesting image. Maybe I’ll have to try that next time. A shot looking straight down, or one looking straight up could have been interesting too.

bush with a sidelight
bush with a backlight

I’m surprised how much more vibrant the leaves look in the second image here. I think the first shot looks a little washed out. Is that in style right now? After looking at both of these images next to each other, I prefer the second one. I like the deeper reds more. Next time I’ll try and play around a little more. I could change the camera settings when taking the shot, and I could do some post processing as well.

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