Kids being kids

Kids being kids

We got to spend sometime with the extended family this weekend. The kids always love to get together with their cousins. My son wanted to show me the cool thing they were doing. I got a few fun shots, but I haven’t had a chance to look them over yet. I did want to get something written up, since I’ve been such a bad blogger lately. Here is a shot of the kids being kids that I love.

Isn’t it great how they are all lined up climbing back to the top of their dirt mountain? With this many kids on a dirt hill there was pretty much constant motion, and I can’t wait to look at some of the “action shots” of the kids jumping down the hill. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to play with them later this week. I used to have that much energy. It’s time I start working back up to that level of output.

For awhile now I’ve felt like I can be too tired to get involved in some things, but I think perhaps the better adjective would perhaps be too lazy. No more saving energy for later, I need to just jump in and go for things. If I end up falling asleep at 9 pm, then great, but most likely I’ll have more energy to get me to the end of the day than usual. Life is too short to waste time being tired.

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