Lightning Fire

Lightning Fire


We were about to go to bed the other night when a storm came in. It was exciting enough that we had gone out back to watch for a few minutes before calling it a night. A few minutes after going outside we saw a particularly awesome lightning strike, and almost immediately after the mountain was on fire. I ran in to get the camera, and we all watched. We were hoping the light rain that was accompanying the storm would be enough to put out the fire. I really didn’t think there was any chance the rain would be enough. Especially as we watched the fire spread at first. Shortly after the fire started the rain got a little stronger, and then fire started to shrink slowly. In a matter of minutes we couldn’t see any more flames. I still expected to wake up in the morning to smoke in the air, and flames on the mountain. Luckily the rain was enough to put it right out. I hope no one decides to go up on the mountain and shoot off fireworks.

These 2 pictures are the same image. I just cropped the one to see it a little better. It’s hard to know exactly how big this fire got, but as far away as we were I’m guessing it was covering a decent amount of ground. Maybe I’ll have to get out and do some hiking to see if I can find it. 

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