Meadow Lava Tubes

Meadow Lava Tubes

I still haven’t worked through any the pictures I took with the camera, but I have unloaded some of the shots I got with my phone. Getting out to the meadow lava tubes is always a great time. The boys and I found plenty of amazing things to explore. I think the favorite was finding small passageways to crawl through.

One of my favorite things about this camp out is that we have little pressure to get anywhere. That means we are free to explore at whatever pace we choose. This time we spent plenty of time in the open spaces, and not as much time in the tunnels. With a group of random people, some are interested in playing all day, while others could just see a couple of things, and then move along. I think we found a decent balance for most everyone. I’m excited for the next time we get back down to the lava tubes.

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