Midnight on the Subway

Midnight on the Subway

Over the summer we traveled all the way to New York City. It wasn’t part of the planned trip, but we managed to fit it in. We got a bit of a late start on the day, but the kids all did great considering. I didn’t plan to stay as late as we did, but we had to see as much as possible. If I have it my way I don’t need to see anymore. As we wrapped up our trip we found ourselves about 30 minutes after midnight on the subway heading back to Aunt Rachel’s apartment.

I’m amazed that this little guy was even still awake by this time of the night. We had walked for hours and hours, and covered miles of distance. We saw as many of the sites as you could hope to in about 9 or 10 hours. While we rode the subway, this guy was seeing if he could climb the pole and touch the ceiling. We had a car full of fans. There was even another little boy that started doing the same. I’m glad the kids can find a way to have fun in any place.

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