More Mountain Shots
Back light on the fall leaves

More Mountain Shots

I have been stuck looking at pictures from the same trip last fall. Here are some more mountain shots. I thought some of these were worth sharing. One day I’ll be more like my friend and process shots immediately after taking them. For now I have years of shots to go through still. My hope is that Lissa and I can get to a point where we process through at least a few shots everyday. If we could get that done it would only take us 15 lifetimes to review all the pictures currently on our hard drives : )

I had a hard time deciding which image to set as the featured image for this post. Some of these feel like paintings to me, more than photographs. The colors are so vibrant.

I love the curve in the road on this one, and the way the pines break up the fall colors. Drones are pretty cool.

This shot makes me want to follow the road to see what more it has to offer. I also love the spotted colors moving up the mountain in the distance. I maybe should have tried to pull some detail out of the sky, but that’ll have to wait for another day.

When I look at this one I wonder if I should have included a little more of colorful trees in the foreground. I love how grand this valley and mountain are shown, but maybe a little lower lower would have improved it some? It’s fun to try and capture the beauty of the mountains, although I don’t think it is really possible. Would you have chosen a different image for the “featured” image?

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