Mountain Meadow

Mountain Meadow

Mountain Meadow

This is a shot Lissa captured while hiking with the kids. I wish I could have gone along on this hike, but I was working when they went. I think in the end they all had a good time, although I do think there were a few rough moments before they all figured out their grove and decided to just have fun with it. As you can guess from the image, the scenery was awesome. The mountains never fail to provide great things to see and do. I like the clouds, the grasses, and the trees in this image. Lissa has a great eye for things. I need to get her out more, and I need to figure out how to show her work off to more people. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Is this up Tibble Fork?

    1. Yes, this was on McKay & Kristen’s day of the staycation.

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