Well I went in today for the MRI on my shoulder. I was really hoping I could avoid this, but I’m afraid I’ve hit a bit of a wall on the recovery process. I would like to get my range of motion back, and be able to shoot a basketball etc. again.  From the outset I knew I wasn’t going to be very excited about being shoved in the small tube of an MRI machine. It looks to me like they’ve gotten even smaller than I remembered.

I did my best to relax and stay calm. He came on the speaker twice to tell me that I had moved, and that he was going to have to redo the last part again to get a good image. I was afraid I might not be able to hold still enough to get through it.  Do you know how hard it is to be perfectly still, and control your breathing in one of these things? He suggested keeping my eyes closed. I did that to start, but eventually I had to open them to see how things looked. For the most part I managed to stay calm and not have to ask for a break or anything. If it hadn’t finished about when it did I was thinking I would have to take a minute. Laying on my back isn’t the most comfortable for the shoulder, and I was afraid I was going to start moving around even more. 

Now I get to wait to hear the results. I’m hoping things will be decent enough that I can do some exercises and get it back to normal. Most likely I’m not that lucky, but maybe this week I’ll at least have an opinion about what the next steps should be. We’ll see. I’ll be just fine if I never have to see the inside of one of these things again.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. That does not sounds like much fun. I hope the results are as good as can be hoped for!

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